Desktop Wallpapers
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Epping St John's Church of England School
IT Help
How to Use Teams
How to log in, use chat, make calls, run meetings and share your screen
How to log in and run meetings
How to join Teams meetings from invites and calendarsVideo Calling Etiquette
Teams features for working with staff
Teaching with Teams
Teaching Protocols & Managing Class Members
Protocols for working with students in Teams How to teach to a school classroom when you're at homeAdd students to a class (using a class code)Add teachers to a class
Prevent students from removing & muting each otherRemove a student from a lesson and prevent re-joiningSee class activity & attendance with the Insights App
Teaching your Class
Create an assignment and share it with students
Mark an assignment and provide feedbackCreate and run Polls in your classes
More teacher guidance videos (inc. using assignments, feedback, quizzes)Communication tools in Teams
How to hold parents' consultations