Royal Docks Academy celebrates Good Ofsted rating
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Ofsted Inspectors have paid tribute to staff, students and families at Royal Docks Academy following an inspection on 28 and 29 September 2021.
The school has been graded ‘Good’ - the first time the school has been graded above requires improvement in its 20+ years.
Royal Docks Academy joined Essex based Multi Academy Trust BMAT Education in 2018, implementing a number of changes with a focus on developing a broad and interesting curriculum led by a strong leadership team.
The report acknowledges the improvements made with inspectors commenting “Leaders ensure that Royal Docks is a happy and safe place for all. Staff are determined that all pupils will succeed. Pupils are well supported in their academic and personal development. Staff challenge pupils to have high standards and aspirations. Pupils appreciate this.
“Governors and trustees work closely with leaders to further improve pupils’ quality of education. For example, leaders and staff benefit from being able to work with colleagues from other schools on developing the curriculum.”
The approach to challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic is praised in the report:
“Pupils and staff felt well supported by leaders and trustees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff were particularly complimentary about how leaders take into account their workload and welfare.”
Executive Headteacher, John Blaney, has praised students and thanked staff for their hard work, commenting:
“Our pupils shine in this report. The inspectors were very impressed with how confident the pupils were and how well behaved they were in and around school. They were impressed with how focused our pupils were in lessons and how hard they were working across all their subjects.
“The inspectors were very complementary about the wider support our pupils receive that enables them to make the right choices as they develop into young adults and prepare for life after their time with us. Ofsted also make reference to the range of experiences that are open to our pupils and the support they received through ‘lockdown.’
“To achieve such a report post-Covid and with a brand-new framework is a testament to all.
“I congratulate the staff who work incredibly hard each and every day to provide a high-quality education for all our pupils, and all the support staff who help us do this.”
The full report can be viewed here.