Mark Hall Academy
Mark Hall re-opened in January 2021 as a member of the BMAT family and set about to create a school where students and staff have high aspirations and defeat any barriers to education through partnership.
We instil in students the importance of high standards and expectations and support them to develop academically as well as socially and morally. Each MHA student is freed to begin exploring their own creativity and talents through a range of clubs, trips and enrichment activities.
Our wider curriculum links students with careers talks and experiences, SMSC and British values.
Successful learners are important to us and students are supported to achieve academically through ambitious and challenging curriculums. Students have access to a range of study clubs to imbed and extend as well as online resources to develop their skills as independent learners. These habits stay with them as lifelong learners.
Through our curriculums we aim to develop students who are ambitious, confident, articulate and ready to take their place as active and responsible citizens in a constantly changing world. We celebrate their successes inside and outside of school through rewards and celebration assemblies.
Mark Hall Academy has been re-built and re-launched to provide our community with a school that provides quality of education and care through carefully selected partnerships.

Mark Hall Academy
School Contact
- Headteacher:
Mr M Carter - First Avenue, Harlow, Essex CM17 9LR
- Email School
- Visit School Website